The farm has these cherries in our collection but no trees for sale. We offer seasonal tours and tastings to learn about fruit growing by appointment.
Bing Cherry
Large, firm, juicy, sweet, nearly black when ripe—superb flavor, but has not produced well for us in compared to Lapins. Mid-season. Large vigorous tree. Pollenized by Black Tartarian, Van, Rainier and in colder climates, Stella.
Lapins Cherry
New, from Canada. Self-fruitful, dark red sweet cherry. Large, firm, good flavor. Similar to Van in color. Sometimes sold as “Self-fertile Bing.” Ripens after Bing.
North Star Dwarf Cherry
Sour Cherry. Attractive, densely foliated, naturally small tree grows to about 8-10 ft. Hardy to 40°F, very productive, resists cracking and brown rot. Often bears in second year. Large, meaty, tart, red skinned fruit with red juice. Excellent for pies and cobblers, also used fresh when fully ripe. From Minnesota, introduced in 1950. Estimated chilling requirement: 500 hours or less. Self-fruitful.
Rainier Sweet Cherry
Large, yellow with red blush. Sweet and flavorful, superior to Royal Ann. Very cold hardy. Mid-season harvest. Pollenizer required. Interfruitful with Van, Lambert, Black Tart, Bing.
Royal Anne Cherry
Long-time favorite yellow sweet cherry for eating fresh or canning. Pollenizer required. Interfruitful with Van and Black Tart, not Bing.
Stella Cherry
Self-fruitful – no pollenizer needed. Large, nearly black, richly flavored sweet cherry. Similar to its parent, Lambert. Late harvest.
Van Cherry
Very cold hardy, reliable, heavy bearing. Fine fruit, similar to Bing, though usually smaller. Pollenizer required—interfruitful with all popular sweet cherries. Good pollenizer for Bing.